Hello Inktober! Week One

There are now dozens of monthly art challenges out there in social media land but Inktober is likely the most popular with over a million posts within the first four days on Instagram alone. Inktober was started by artist Jake Parker to help him develop better daily drawing habits. I am a big fan of this challenge because I love Jake Parker’s art but also it is a timely challenge for me. Fall is my busiest time of year at work. I tend to let my daily practice fall to the side during the month of September.  Inktober is a great opportunity to re-engage with my favorite hobby.

The rules are rather simple: make a drawing in ink, post it with the #inktober, and repeat. Jake Parker creates an optional prompt list every year as well.


To be quite honest I am not likely to complete 31 drawings this year. My family and I will be relocating to a new city at the end of the month. But, I am certainly going to give it a try.

Here is my first week:

Day One: Poisonous

-Poison Ivy on an Old Oak- Nib pen and fine liners.


Day Two: Tranquil

-A Lonely Tree on the Maine Shoreline – Nib pen, Copic neutral gray set, and gel pen


Day Three: Roasted

-Camp Fire – Pentel Pocket Brush Pen


Day Four: Spell

-The Red Witch- India Ink w/ dip pen, Sumi Ink w/ brush, Marker, and Watercolor


Day Five: Chicken

-I Love Mama!- Nib pen and Sharpie


Day Six: Drooling

-The Witch’s Cat Dreams- of Gold Fish- Nib pen and Markers


Day Seven: Exhausted

-The Night Rider- Fineliner and Marker


How is your Inktober going?

Happy Art Journey,


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